Graphic Designer Salary & Career Insights

What is the average salary for a graphic designer in the United States?

$58,910 per year

According to, the average salary for a graphic designer in the United States is $58,910 annually. The lowest salary is $36,420 annually, and the highest is $100,450 annually.

Job Outlook & Work Environment

Job Outlook

🚀 267,200; estimated number of graphic designer jobs. It is estimated that 6,600 new jobs will be added by 2033.

☀️ The projected job outlook is expected to grow at a rate of 2%, which is slower than average.

Work Environment

💼 Most graphic designers work in studios or offices.

🏢 18% of graphic designers work as self-employed workers while 9% work in specialized design services.

Graphic Designer Salary in Comparison to Patent Law Salaries

How Does a Graphic Designer Salary Stack Up?

The average graphic design salary is $58K annually. While we don’t have an average salary for design patent practitioners yet since this is a new class of practitioners, patent agents typically earn $130K annually. This is more than double what the typical graphic designer earns.

Patent attorneys typically earn $185K annually, around triple what the typical graphic designer earns. It will pay for an individual with a graphic design degree to sit for the patent bar exam and start a patent law career.

Top Graphic Designer Salaries by Industry

IndustryAverage Salary
Motion Picture and Video Industries$102,260
Child Care Services$99,940
Federal, State, and Local Government$96,030
Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing$93,800
Facilities Support Services$91,750
Annual mean wages.

Salary by Graphic Designer Industry

In the U.S., the average graphic designer salary is $58,910.

Graphic designers in the motion picture and video industries earn the highest average salary among the industries listed, at $102,260. Those working in childcare services receive an average salary of $99,940, while those in government roles earn $96,030. In aerospace product and parts manufacturing and facilities support services, graphic designers earn average salaries of $93,800 and $91,750, respectively.

Experience & Education

Here are some typical daily activities of a graphic designer:

  • Thinking Creatively: Innovate by developing and designing new applications, ideas, systems, or products, including artistic contributions.
  • Working with Computers: Utilize computers and systems to program, write software, set up functions, enter data, and process information.
  • Getting Information: Collect and gather information from all relevant sources through observation and reception.
  • Communicating with Supervisors, Peers, or Subordinates: Share information with supervisors, co-workers, and subordinates via phone, writing, email, or in person.
  • Establishing and Maintaining Interpersonal Relationships: Build and sustain positive and cooperative working relationships over time.

Here are the typical skills you need to work as a graphic designer:

  • Active Listening: Fully focus on others, grasp their points, ask relevant questions, and avoid interrupting.
  • Speaking: Communicate information clearly and effectively to others.
  • Active Learning: Recognize how new information impacts current and future decisions and solutions.
  • Critical Thinking: Apply logic to identify the strengths and weaknesses of different solutions and conclusions.
  • Writing: Write clearly and effectively to meet the audience’s needs.

Knowledge required to work as a graphic designer:

  • Design: Understand design techniques and tools to create precise technical plans, blueprints, drawings, and models.
  • Computers and Electronics: Familiar with circuit boards, processors, chips, electronic equipment, and both hardware and software, including programming.
  • Fine Arts: Know the principles and techniques for creating and performing music, dance, visual arts, drama, and sculpture.
  • Communications and Media: Understand media production and communication methods to inform and entertain through written, oral, and visual formats.
  • English Language: Master the structure and content of English, including meanings, spelling, composition rules, and grammar.

Average Education

According to, 65% of graphic designers have a Bachelor’s degree, 15% have a high school diploma, and 10% have a Master’s degree.

Top Graphic Designer Salaries by Location

Factors that Impact Pay

In San Jose, CA, graphic designers earn the highest average salary among the cities listed, at $103,260. In San Francisco, CA, graphic designers receive an average salary of $95,410, followed by those in Washington, DC, with $84,210. New York, NY, and Seattle, WA, offer average salaries of $81,710 and $80,870, respectively, for graphic designers.

Graphic designers in the District of Columbia earn the highest average salary among the states listed, at $93,050. In New York, graphic designers receive an average salary of $80,390, while those in California earn $79,850. Washington and Massachusetts offer average salaries of $75,680 and $74,490, respectively, for graphic designers.

Take a look at the average graphic designer salaries from top-paying cities according to data.

CityAverage Salary
San Jose, CA$103,260
San Francisco, CA$95,410
Washington, DC$84,210
New York, NY$81,710
Seattle, WA$80,870
Annual mean wages.

Look at the average graphic designer salaries from top-paying states according to data.

StateAverage Salary
District of Columbia$93,050
New York$80,390
Annual mean wages.

Related Careers

Patent Agent

Patent agents practice patent law before the USPTO.

Average of $130,168/year

Patent Attorney

Patent attorneys can practice patent law in addition to practicing law in jurisdictions where they are currently admitted.

Average of $185,351/year

Industrial Designer

Design and develop manufactured products by creating functional and appealing designs.

Average of $76,250/year

Job Openings in the United States

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