Courses & Books to Help You Navigate Patent Law.

Patent Bar Candidates: Start your career in patent law by passing the Patent Bar.

Complete Patent Bar review course:

Online Version

The Patent Education Series™ Complete Review Course covers exactly what you need to know to pass the Patent Bar Exam.  Course materials for the online review are updated for pre- and post- September 18, 2024 version of the exam.

Hard-Copy + Online Version

Enroll in the online course or the hard-copy version and start preparing for your new career today.

Follow a 3-Step program from the comfort of your own home or on the go with mobile-friendly tools.

We offer a few tools from the Patent Bar review separately.

You can use them to get started or as supplements to other materials.

Patent Training Workshop

The Patent Training Workshop walks you through the fundamentals of patent law. Complete with an Introductory module, 9 training modules, quizzes, and a glossary this course is perfect for Patent Bar Candidates, Patent Paralegals, and Inventors.

Quiz Decks

Quiz Decks are like online flashcards in that the decks shuffle and each question (or card) is kept to one single, very specific topic, term, or MPEP section. There are 740+ short and simple questions you can drill with to learn the most important MPEP facts.

MPEP Audio Summaries

We’ve summarized all the tested sections and sub-sections of the MPEP and ran the text through an AI reader. So now you can listen in and learn. The best part is you can take the audio on the go through your mobile device.

Hard Copy Books

These manuals and courses are part of the online Patent Bar review course. They are available separately and in hard copy format here for your convenience.

Guidebooks to Patent Law (Print Format)

Master the MPEP with the 4-Volume Guidebook to Patent Law set. Based on the 9th Edition, Revision 07.2022 MPEP + 3 currently tested supplements. Review chapter, section, and subsection summaries for all areas of the MPEP relevant to patent practitioners and Patent Bar candidates.

Patent Bar Exam Prep Workbook (Print Format)

Answer the short answer, fill-in-the-blank, and true/false questions in the Prep Workbook using your study aids or the MPEP. Completely updated for the currently tested MPEP 9th Edition, Revision 07.2022 + 3 USPTO Exam Notices.

Patent Bar Exam Practice Questions

The Practice Exam Questions 3-Volume Set includes 550+ updated questions all organized by topic. Each question has been updated for the currently tested 9th Edition, Revision 07.2022 MPEP.  New questions have been added to cover the USPTO Exam Notices. Over 50 topics are covered in all.

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