Patent Bar Exam Practice Questions
Updated for MPEP 9th Edition, Revision 07.2022, post- September 18th, 2023 exams.
Price: $269.85 for the set of 3 or $89.95 for each book if you purchase them separately.
This 3 Volume Set includes 550+ Patent Bar practice exam questions updated for the 9th Edition MPEP, Revision 07.2022. The questions are organized by topic which allows you to hone in on the areas you need to spend more of your time on.
Topics include 35 U.S.C. 102, 103, and 112, PLTIA, Hague Agreement, obviousness, overcoming rejections, prior art, patentability, America Invents Act, Patent Cooperation Treaty, Subject Matter Eligibility, claims, and many more. Over 50 topics are covered. Each question includes answers along with updated citations to the MPEP.
3 Volume Set. Physical Product.
The Patent Bar Exam Practice Questions manual is a study aid for those preparing to take the patent bar examination. This exam currently covers topics found in the Manual of Patent Examination Procedure (MPEP) 9th Edition, Revision 07.2022 and post- September 18th, 2023 exams.
You will gain the most by mastering the material covered in the MPEP first and then attempting the Practice Questions manual. The USPTO constantly adds new questions to the Patent Bar exam. You cannot simply memorize exam questions and expect to pass. You must also know the material in the MPEP which is why taking practice exam questions should only be part of your overall exam strategy.
This practice exam book contains a mixture of old questions from the USPTO that were freely distributed, new questions we have created, and old questions that have been considerably updated.
If you can get some of these questions free, why should you pay for them?
There were several old exams published and distributed freely online by the USPTO and many of these questions have circulated around the Internet. The problem is, out of the questions that were made available, more than half of them are outdated.
If you simply take the old exams (which you can still find online) and start studying from them using the currently tested MPEP, you’ll be in for a very frustrating experience. Those questions were all created in the early 2000’s, therefore they are over ten years old.
The MPEP has changed several times since then. New chapters have been created and old material has been phased out. You can’t take those old exams and apply the questions to the currently tested version of the MPEP. Many of the questions will not make sense. So we have removed those questions from our question bank and from these books. Those that could be salvaged were adjusted. In addition, those that still apply offer do not have the correct MPEP cross-referencing so we have corrected that for you.
Although you may be tempted to take those old exams it’s not a worthwhile experience. Hundreds of hours have gone into the creation of these books. They are not simply old exam questions copied and pasted. In addition, we have created many new questions that cover the America Invents Act (AIA), PLTIA, Hague Agreement, Subject Matter Eligibility, Patent Cooperation Treaty material as well as new changes to the MPEP. Entire topics of questions have been re-written to make this set of practice exam books as valuable as possible.