Patent Paralegal Salary & Career Insights

What is the average salary for a patent paralegal in the United States?

$96,682 per year

According to our research, the average salary for a patent paralegal in the United States is $96,682 annually. The lowest salary is $68,758 annually, and the highest is $130,816 annually.

Breakdown of Salary Sites

Salary SiteLowest SalaryAverage SalaryHighest Salary$95,543$120,988$154,000$53,000$76,910$113,000$75,500$111,500$120,500$50,000$75,000$100,000$54,200$102,811$195,020

According to, the salary range for Patent Paralegals in the United States is between $84,305 and $102,377 per year, with an average salary of approximately $92,888 annually.

Patent Paralegals earn more than the typical paralegal. According to the, the median annual wage for paralegals is $60,970.

Job Outlook & Work Environment

Job Outlook

🚀 366,200; estimated number of paralegal jobs (2023).

☀️ The projected job outlook is slower than average, with a 1% growth rate through 2033.

Work Environment

💼 Patent paralegals typically work in an office setting alongside patent attorneys and patent agents.

🏢 75% of paralegals work in legal service departments, including law firms.

Salaries for Types of Paralegals

This data was taken from in 2024.

Type of ParalegalAverage Salary
Personal injury paralegal$72,248
Family law paralegal$86,662
Legal manager$86,558
Intellectual property paralegal$97,599
Corporate paralegal$87,683
Backruptcy paralegal$55,777

Salary by Paralegal Specialty

In the U.S., the average patent paralegal salary is $96,682 per year, according to our data.

Many factors affect salaries, including the type of work and title. For instance, according to Indeed, the average annual salary for a paralegal specializing in family law is $86,662, a corporate paralegal is $87,683, and a legal manager is $86,558.

Many paralegals also earn bonuses and participate in profit-sharing opportunities, which can add thousands of dollars to their pay. Most paralegals receive medical and dental coverage paid by their employers.

Experience & Education

Here are some typical daily activities of a patent paralegal:

  • Keeping Records — Involves entering, transcribing, storing, and maintaining data in written or electronic formats.
  • Computer Proficiency — Engages in using computer systems for data entry, and information processing.
  • External Communication — Involves interacting with people outside the organization, such as customers, the public, and government entities, through in-person meetings, writing, phone, or email.
  • Internal Communication — This entails sharing information with supervisors, colleagues, and team members via phone, writing, email, or face-to-face conversations.
  • Information Gathering — Focuses on collecting and obtaining data from all relevant sources.
  • Knowledge Updates — Involves staying current with technical developments and applying new insights to enhance job performance.
  • Work Organization — Centers on setting clear goals and developing plans to prioritize, organize, and complete tasks effectively.

Here are the typical skills you need to work as a patent paralegal:

  • Effective Writing — Crafting clear and appropriate written communication.
  • Active Listening — Paying close attention to others, fully understanding their messages, asking relevant questions, and avoiding interruptions.
  • Reading Comprehension — Grasping written content and understanding work-related documents.
  • Effective Speaking — Conveying information clearly and effectively through speech.
  • Critical Thinking — Applying logic and reasoning to evaluate the pros and cons of various solutions or approaches to problems.
  • Active Learning — Recognizing the significance of new information for both current and future decision-making and problem-solving.
  • Complex Problem Solving — Identifying intricate problems, analyzing related information, and developing and implementing solutions.

Knowledge required to work as a patent paralegal:

  • Legal and Government Knowledge — Understanding laws, legal systems, court procedures, government regulations, and the democratic process.
  • English Proficiency — Mastery of the English language, including vocabulary, spelling, composition rules, and grammar.
  • Office Administration — Familiarity with office procedures such as word processing, file management, transcription, and workplace language.
  • Tech and Electronics Insight — Familiarity with electronic devices, like computers, and software applications.
  • Customer Service Expertise — Grasping the principles of customer service, including assessing needs, ensuring service quality, and evaluating satisfaction.
  • Business Management — Knowledge of strategic planning, resource management, human resources, leadership, production, and coordination of people and resources.

Average Education

Patent paralegals typically have a Bachelor’s degree (48.7%), but some may only have a high school diploma (25%). Others have an Associate’s degree (26.3$). Many will have specialized training in patent law or intellectual property topics.

Top Paralegal Salaries by Location

Factors that Impact Pay

The future looks promising for paralegals. Law firms are attempting to reduce expenses while increasing efficiency and hiring more legal assistants.

The size of the company, its location, the type of education the paralegal has, and the number of years of experience are deciding factors that determine pay. It is wise to gain an idea of the cost of living in certain states to see if the salary offered makes living there affordable.

The average patent paralegal salary ranges widely. It is a well-paying career field, especially considering that the education requirements for patent paralegals are much lower than those for many other high-paying careers.

Take a look at the average paralegal salaries from top-paying cities according to data. Remember that patent paralegals earn more than general paralegals, so these salaries are expected to be even higher for paralegals in the patent field.

CityAverage Salary
New York$80,240
Los Angeles$78,720
Washington, DC$84,530
San Francisco$92,860

Look at the average paralegal salaries from top-paying states according to data. Remember that patent paralegals earn more than general paralegals, so these salaries are expected to be even higher for paralegals in the patent field.

StateAverage Salary
District of Columbia$94,290
New York$78,850

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