MPEP 200

Types and Status of Application; Benefit and Priority Claims

Brief Summary:

Chapter 200 discusses many important topics. These include the differences between national and international applications and a general overview of the different types of applications that may be filed to the PTO.

There are several different application types, including provisional, nonprovisional (regular), divisional, continuation-in-part, continuing, continued prosecution applications, substitute, statutory invention registration, and reissue applications.

Under specific conditions, an applicant may want to claim the earlier filing date of a previously filed application. It is possible to claim the priority of an earlier U.S. application or applications filed in participating foreign countries. This is covered in chapter 200 as well.

Application status is also covered. The status of the application includes whether it is pending, rejected, or abandoned.

Key Terms:

National ApplicationsA national application is a U.S. patent application filed in the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) under 35 U.S.C. 111.
Provisional ApplicationA provisional application is a temporary application filed with the USPTO that allows an inventor to secure an early filing date without a formal patent claim, oath, or prior art statement.
Nonprovisional ApplicationA nonprovisional application is a formal application submitted to the USPTO for examination. It aims to secure a utility patent by detailing the invention’s claims, specifications, and supporting documentation.
Continuation ApplicationA continuation application is a patent application that allows an applicant to pursue additional claims based on the same specification and drawings as a previously filed application, while claiming priority to that earlier application.
Divisional ApplicationA divisional application is a type of application filed when a parent application describes multiple inventions. It allows the applicant to pursue separate patents for each distinct invention disclosed in the original application.

37 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations):

37 CFR 1.55 – Claim for foreign priority.
Allows an applicant in a nonprovisional patent application to claim priority based on one or more prior foreign applications, under specific conditions outlined in 35 USC 119(a).
37 CFR 1.63 – Inventor’s oath or declaration.
Requires that each inventor of a claimed invention in a patent application must execute an oath or declaration affirming their inventorship and acknowledging their understanding of the application contents.

35 USC (United States Code):

35 USC 101 – Inventions patentable.
35 USC 101 states that any person who invents or discovers a new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may obtain a patent for it.
35 USC 119 – Benefit of earlier filing date; right of priority.
35 USC 119 allows a patent application filed in the U.S. to claim the benefit of an earlier filing date from a foreign application for the same invention, provided the U.S. application is filed within 12 months of the foreign filing, and certain conditions are met.

Quick Statistics:

Number of Pages: 120 pages
Sections:  201 – 217

List of Sections:

201Types of Applications
201.01 National Applications
201.02 General Terms Used to Describe Applications
201.04 Provisional Application
201.05 Reissue Application
201.06 Divisional Application
201.06(a) Former 37 CFR 1.60 Divisional Continuation Procedure
201.06(b) Former 37 CFR 1.62 File Wrapper Continuing Procedure
201.06(c) 37 CFR 1.53(b) and 37 CFR 1.63(d) Divisional-Continuation Procedure
201.06(d) 37 CFR 1.53(d) Continued Prosecution Application (CPA) Practice
201.07 Continuation Application
201.08 Continuation-in-Part Application
203Status of Applications
203.01 New
203.02 Rejected
203.03 Amended
203.04 Allowed or in Issue
203.05 Abandoned
203.06 Incomplete
203.08 Status Inquiries
203.08(a) Congressional and Other Official Inquiries
210Priority to, or the Benefit of, the Filing Date of a Prior-Filed Application
211Claiming the Benefit of an Earlier Filing Date Under 35 U.S.C. 120 and 119(e)
211.01 Requirements Related to the Prior-Filed Application
211.01(a) Claiming the Benefit of a Provisional Application
211.01(b) Claiming the Benefit of a Nonprovisional Application
211.01(c) Claiming the Benefit of an International Application Designating the United States
211.01(d) Claiming the Benefit of an International Design Application Designating the United States
211.02 Reference to Prior Application(s)
211.02(a) Correcting or Adding a Benefit Claim After Filing
211.03 Time Period for Making a Claim for Benefit Under 37 CFR 1.78
211.04 Delayed Benefit Claims
211.05 Sufficiency of Disclosure in Prior-Filed Application
213Right of Priority of Foreign Application
213.01 Recognized Countries and Regional Patent Offices of Foreign Filing
213.02 Formal Requirements Relating to Foreign Priority Application
213.03 Time for Filing U.S. Nonprovisional Application
213.04 Requirement to File Priority Claim and Certified Copy During Pendency of Application
213.05 Right of Priority Based Upon an Application for an Inventor’s Certificate
213.06 Claiming Priority and Filing a Certified Copy in a National Stage Application (35 U.S.C. 371)
213.07 Claiming Priority and Filing a Certified Copy in a Nonprovisional International Design Application
214Formal Requirements of Claim for Foreign Priority
214.01 Time for Filing Priority Claim
214.02 Unintentionally Delayed Priority Claims
214.03 Office Acknowledgement of Priority Claims
214.04 Proper Identification of Priority Application in Foreign Priority Claim
215Certified Copy of Foreign Application
215.01 Electronic Priority Document Exchange
215.02 Time For Filing Certified Copy – Application Filed On or After March 16, 2013
215.02(a) Timeliness Requirement – Met By Priority Document Exchange
215.02(b) Timeliness Requirement – Met By Interim Copy of Foreign Application
215.03 Time For Filing Certified Copy – Application Filed Before March 16, 2013
216Entitlement to Priority
216.01 Perfecting Claim for Priority Under 35 U.S.C. 119(a)-(d) or (f) After Issuance of a Patent
217Incorporation by Reference Under 37 CFR 1.57(b)

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