MPEP 2200

Citation of Prior Art and Ex Parte Reexamination of Patents

Brief Summary:

This chapter serves as a guide regarding the processing and filing of prior art citations and reexamination requests. The purpose for citing prior art in patent files is to inform the patent owner and the public in general that such patents or printed publications are in existence and should be considered when evaluating the validity of the patent claims in question. The examiner will consider these citations when examining the application.

Key Terms:

AmendmentsAmendments refer to changes or modifications made to a patent application or an issued patent’s claims, specifications, or drawings, often to clarify, correct, or respond to objections raised during the examination process.
AppealAn Appeal is the process by which an applicant challenges a decision made by a patent examiner, typically regarding the rejection of a patent application, by seeking a review from a higher authority, such as the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.
Citation of Prior ArtCitation of Prior Art involves referencing existing documents or inventions that are relevant to assessing the novelty and non-obviousness of a patent application, helping to determine whether the invention is truly innovative.
Concurrent ProceedingsConcurrent Proceedings refer to multiple legal processes or actions involving the same patent or patent application that occur simultaneously, such as litigation and reexamination, potentially affecting the patent’s status or enforcement.
ReexaminationReexamination is a process by which a patent’s validity is re-evaluated by the patent office, typically in light of new evidence or prior art, to ensure that the patent meets all legal requirements for patentability.
Substantial New Question of PatentabilityRefers to a significant issue raised about the validity of a patent’s claims, based on new evidence or prior art not previously considered, which can prompt a reexamination of the patent.

37 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations):

37 CFR 1.121 – Manner of making amendments in applications.
37 CFR 1.121 specifies the procedures for making amendments to patent applications, including how to present changes to claims, specifications, and drawings in a clear and precise manner.
37 CFR 1.52 – Language, paper, writing, margins, compact disc specifications.
37 CFR 1.52 details the standards for the language, paper quality, writing style, margin sizes, and specifications for using compact discs in patent application documents.

35 USC (United States Code):

35 USC 133 – Time for prosecuting application.
35 USC 133 sets a time limit for applicants to respond to actions from the patent office, requiring responses within six months to avoid application abandonment.
35 USC 305 – Conduct of reexamination proceedings.
35 USC 305 governs the conduct of reexamination proceedings, requiring them to be conducted with special dispatch and allowing patent owners to propose amendments or new claims to distinguish their invention from prior art.

Quick Statistics:

Number of Pages:  199 pgs
Sections:  2201 – 2296

List of Sections:

2202Citation of Prior Art and Written Statements
2203Persons Who May Cite Prior Art or Written Statements
2204Time for Filing Prior Art or Section 301 Written Statements
2205Content of Prior Art or Section 301 Written Statements
2206Submission and Handling of Prior Art or Section 301 Written Statements
2207Entry of Court Decision in Patent File
2208Service of Prior Art or Section 301 Written Statements on Patent Owner
2209Ex Parte Reexamination
2210Request for Ex Parte Reexamination under 35 U.S.C. 302
2211Time for Requesting Ex Parte Reexamination under 35 U.S.C. 302
2212Persons Who May File a Request for Ex Parte Reexamination under 35 U.S.C. 302
 2212.01 Inquiries from Persons Other Than the Patent Owner
2213Representative of Requester
2214Content of Request for Ex Parte Reexamination Filed under 35 U.S.C. 302
2215Fee for Requesting Ex Parte Reexamination under 35 U.S.C. 302
2216Substantial New Question of Patentability
2217Statement Applying Prior Art in a Request Filed under 35 U.S.C. 302
2218Copies of Prior Art
2219Copy of Printed Patent
2220Certificate of Service
2221Amendments Included in Request Filed under 35 U.S.C. 302 by Patent Owner
2222Address of Patent Owner
2223Withdrawal of Attorney or Agent
2225Untimely Paper Filed Prior to Order under 35 U.S.C. 304
2226Initial Processing of Request for Ex Parte Reexamination Filed under 35 U.S.C. 302
2227Incomplete Request for Ex Parte Reexamination Filed under 35 U.S.C. 302
2229Notice of Request under 35 U.S.C. 302 for Ex Parte Reexamination in Official Gazette
2230Constructive Notice to Patent Owner
2231Processing of Request Corrections
2232Public Access to Reexaminations Filed under 35 U.S.C. 302
 2232.01 Determining if a Reexamination Request Was Filed under 35 U.S.C. 302 for a Patent
2233Processing in Central Reexamination Unit and Technology Center
2234Entry of Amendments
2235Record Systems
2236Assignment of Reexamination
2237Transfer Procedure
2238Time Reporting
2239Reexamination Ordered at the Director’s Initiative
2240Decision on Request Filed under 35 U.S.C. 302
2241Time for Deciding Request Filed under 35 U.S.C. 302
2242Criteria for Deciding Request Filed under 35 U.S.C. 302
2243Claims Considered in Deciding Request Filed under 35 U.S.C. 302
2244Prior Art on Which the Determination Is Based in Requests Filed under 35 U.S.C. 302
2245Processing of Decision
2246Decision Ordering Reexamination under 35 U.S.C. 304
2247Decision under 35 U.S.C. 303 on Request for Reexamination filed Under 35 U.S.C. 302, Request Denied
 2247.01 Examples of Decisions on Request for Reexamination
2248Petition From Denial of Request Filed Under 35 U.S.C. 302
2249Patent Owner’s Statement in Reexaminations Filed Under 35 U.S.C. 302
2250Amendment by Patent Owner
 2250.01 Correction of Patent Drawings
 2250.02 Correction of Inventorship
 2250.03 Fees for Adding Claims and for Filing a Petition
2251Reply by Third Party Requester
2252Consideration of Statement and Reply
2253Consideration by Examiner
2254Conduct of Ex Parte Reexamination Proceedings
2255Who Reexamines
2256Prior Art Patents and Printed Publications Reviewed by Examiner in Reexamination
2257Listing of Prior Art
2258Scope of Ex Parte Reexamination
 2258.01 Use of Previously Cited/Considered Art in Rejections
 2258.02 Claiming Foreign Priority and Domestic Benefit in Reexamination
2259Res Judicata and Collateral Estoppel in Reexamination Proceedings
2260Office Actions
 2260.01 Dependent Claims
2261Special Status for Action
2262Form and Content of Office Action
2263Time for Response
2264Mailing of Office Action
2265Extension of Time
 2266.01 Submission Not Fully Responsive to Non-Final Office Action
 2266.02 Examiner Issues Notice of Defective Paper in Ex Parte Reexamination
 2266.03 Service of Papers
2267Handling of Inappropriate or Untimely Filed Papers
2268Petition for Entry of Late Papers for Revival of Reexamination Proceeding
2270Clerical Handling
2271Final Action
 2271.01 Panel Review
2272After Final Practice
2273Appeal in Ex Parte Reexamination
2274Appeal Brief
2275Examiner’s Answer
2276Oral Hearing
2277Board Decision
2278Action Following Decision
2279Appeal to Courts
2280Information Material to Patentability in Reexamination Proceeding Filed under 35 U.S.C. 302
2281Interviews in Ex Parte Reexamination Proceedings
2282Notification of Existence of Prior or Concurrent Proceedings and Decisions Thereon
2283Multiple Copending Ex Parte Reexamination Proceedings
2284Copending Ex Parte Reexamination and Interference Proceedings
2285Copending Ex Parte Reexamination and Reissue Proceedings
2286Ex Parte Reexamination and Litigation Proceedings
 2286.01 Reexamination and Inter Partes Review Proceedings, Post-Grant Review, and Covered Business Method Patent Review
2287Conclusion of Ex Parte Reexamination Proceeding
 2287.01 Examiner Consideration of Submissions After a NIRC
2288Issuance of Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate
2289Reexamination Review
2290Format of Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate
2291Notice of Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate Issuance in Official Gazette
2292Distribution of Certificate
2293Intervening Rights
2294Concluded Reexamination Proceedings
2295Reexamination of a Reexamination
2296USPTO Forms To Be Used In Ex Parte Reexamination

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