MPEP 2300

Interference and Derivation Proceedings

Brief Summary:

An interference is a proceeding that is held before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board to determine who should receive the right to a patent when a pending application claims the same invention as another pending application or an unexpired patent. The PTO will not conduct interferences which only involve issued patents.

Interferences have been phased out by Derivation Proceedings.

However, applications filed before March 16, 2013 are still eligible for interferences.

Key Terms:

CountA Count refers to a specific claim or statement of invention used in interference proceedings to determine which party first invented the subject matter in question.
Derivation ProceedingsDerivation Proceedings are legal processes used to determine whether an inventor named in an earlier patent application derived the claimed invention from an inventor named in a later application without authorization.
InterferenceInterference is a proceeding conducted to resolve a dispute between two or more parties claiming the same patentable invention, determining who was the first to invent.
JurisdictionJurisdiction refers to the legal authority of a court or administrative body to hear and decide cases related to patent matters within a specific geographic area or over certain types of disputes.
Patent Trial and Appeal BoardThe Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) is an administrative body within the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office that conducts trials, including inter partes reviews and post-grant reviews, and hears appeals from adverse examiner decisions in patent applications.

37 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations):

37 CFR 41.102 – Completion of examination.
37 CFR 41.102 states that an application must be complete and ready for appeal before the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences can consider it, ensuring all examination procedures are finalized.
37 CFR 41.103 – Jurisdiction over involved files.
37 CFR 41.103 establishes that the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences has jurisdiction over the files of cases it is reviewing, starting from the time an appeal is filed until the appeal process is concluded.

35 USC (United States Code):

35 USC 135 – Interferences.
35 USC 135 addresses interferences, providing a process for resolving disputes when two or more parties claim patent rights to the same invention, and outlines procedures for determining the priority of invention.

Quick Statistics:

Number of Pages:  29 pgs
Sections:  2301 – 2315

List of Sections:

2301Interference Proceedings
 2301.01 Statutory Basis
 2301.02 Definitions
 2301.03 Interfering Subject Matter
 2301.04 Applicability of 35 U.S.C. 102(g) to Applications filed on or after March 16, 2013
2302Consult an Interference Practice Specialist
2303Completion of Examination
 2303.01 Issuance and Suspension
 2303.02 Other Outstanding Issues with Patents
2304Suggesting an Interference
 2304.01 [Reserved]
 2304.01(a) Interference Search
 2304.01(b) Obtaining Control Over Involved Files
 2304.01(c) Translation of Foreign Benefit Application
 2304.01(d) Sorting Claims
 2304.02 Applicant Suggestion
 2304.02(a) Identifying the Other Application or Patent
 2304.02(b) Counts and Corresponding Claims
 2304.02(c) Explaining Priority
 2304.02(d) Adequate Written Description
 2304.03 Patentee Suggestion
 2304.04 Examiner Suggestion
 2304.04(a) Interfering Claim Already in Application
 2304.04(b) Requiring a Claim
 2304.04(c) Rejections Based on Disclaimer
 2304.05 Common Ownership
2305Requiring a Priority Showing
2306Secrecy Order Cases
2307Action During an Interference
 2307.01 Ex Parte Communications
 2307.02 Access to Related Files
 2307.03 Suspension of Related Examinations
 2307.04 Additional Parties to Interference
 2307.05 Board Action on Related Files
 2307.06 Action at the Board
2308Action After an Interference
 2308.01 Final Disposal of Claims
 2308.02 Added or Amended Claims
 2308.03 Estoppel Within the Office
 2308.03(a) Losing Party
 2308.03(b) No Interference-in-Fact
 2308.03(c) No Second Interference
 2308.04 Office Procedure Following Decision by the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
2309National Aeronautics and Space Administration or Department of Energy
2310Derivation Proceedings
 2310.01 Statutory Basis
 2310.02 Definitions
2311Consult a Technology Center Practice Specialist
2312Board May Assume Jurisdiction
2313Action Once a Derivation Proceeding is Instituted
2314Action at the Board
2315Action After a Derivation Proceeding is Decided

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