MPEP 300

Ownership and Assignment

Brief Summary:

Inventorship is always granted to the individual who invented the subject matter of the patent. However, the inventor(s) may sell or transfer the rights to the invention via an assignment.

This chapter discusses several topics pertaining to assignments; including the recording and establishment of the assignment by the PTO.

Key Terms:

AssignmentAssignment is the transfer of ownership rights of a patent or patent application from one party to another, typically documented through a written agreement.
Certificate of CorrectionA Certificate of Correction is an official document issued by a patent office to rectify errors in a granted patent, such as typographical mistakes or minor inaccuracies, without altering the patent’s scope.
InventorshipInventorship refers to the identification of individuals who have made a significant inventive contribution to the conception of the claimed invention, determining who is legally recognized as the inventor(s) on a patent application.
Joint OwnersJoint Owners are two or more parties who share ownership rights to a patent, each having equal rights to use, license, or sell the patent independently unless otherwise agreed upon.
OwnershipOwnership refers to the legal rights held by an individual or entity over a patent, granting them exclusive control over the use, licensing, and enforcement of the patented invention.

37 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations):

37 CFR 3.73 – Establishing right of assignee to take action.
37 CFR 3.73 requires an assignee to establish ownership through documented evidence or recorded statements to take action on a patent application or issued patent, ensuring the assignee’s authority is verified.
37 CFR 1.12 – Assignment records open to public inspection.
37 CFR 1.12 states that assignment records related to patents and patent applications are open to public inspection, allowing transparency in ownership and interest transfers.

35 USC (United States Code):

35 USC 261 – Ownership; assignment.
35 USC 261 states that patents and patent applications are assignable by written instrument, with assignments requiring acknowledgment to serve as prima facie evidence of execution.
35 USC 262 – Joint owners.
35 USC 262 allows each joint owner of a patent to independently make, use, sell, or import the patented invention in the U.S. without needing consent from or accounting to the other owners, unless otherwise agreed.

Quick Statistics:

Number of Pages:  40pgs
Sections:  301 – 325

List of Sections:

301Ownership/Assignability of Patents and Applications
301.01Accessibility of Assignment Records
302Recording of Assignment Documents
302.01 Assignment Document Must Be Copy for Recording
302.02 Translation of Assignment Document
302.03 Identifying Patent or Application
302.04 Foreign Assignee May Designate Domestic Representative
302.05 Address of Assignee
302.06 Fee for Recording
302.07 Assignment Document Must Be Accompanied by a Cover Sheet
302.08 Mailing Address for Submitting Assignment Documents
302.09 Facsimile Submission of Assignment Documents
302.10 Electronic Submission of Assignment Documents
303Assignment Documents Not Endorsed on Pending Applications
306Assignment of Division, Continuation, Substitute, and Continuation-in-Part in Relation to Parent Application
306.01 Assignment of an Application Claiming the Benefits of a Provisional Application
307Issue to Non-Applicant Assignee
308Issue to Applicant
309Restrictions Upon Employees of U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
310Government License Rights to Contractor-Owned Inventions Made Under Federally Sponsored Research and Development
311Filing of Notice of Arbitration Awards
313Recording of Licenses, Security Interests, and Documents Other Than Assignments
314Certificates of Change of Name or of Merger
315Indexing Against a Recorded Certificate
317Handling of Documents in the Assignment Division
317.01 Recording Date
317.02 Correction of Unrecorded Returned Documents and Cover Sheets
317.03 Effect of Recording
318Documents Not to be Placed in Files
320Title Reports
323Procedures for Correcting Errors in Recorded Assignment Document
323.01 Correction of Error in Recorded Cover Sheet
323.01(a) Typographical Errors in Cover Sheet
323.01(b) Typographical Errors in Recorded Assignment Document
323.01(c) Assignment or Change of Name Improperly Filed and Recorded by Another Person Against Owner’s Application or Patent
323.01(d) Expungement of Assignment Records
324Establishing Right of Assignee To Take Action in Application Filed Before September 16, 2012
325Establishing Right of Assignee To Take Action in Application Filed On or After September 16, 2012

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