MPEP Q & A 307: When are electronic means or medium for filing IDSs permitted?



When are electronic means or medium for filing IDSs permitted?


As shown in chapter 600 …

Electronic means or medium for filing IDSs are not permitted except for:

  • IDSs electronically submitted using the USPTO patent electronic filing system; or
  • copies of large tables, computer program listings, and sequence listings submitted as a PDF file and a “Sequence Listing XML” submitted as an XML file on a read-only optical disc which are cited in a paper IDS.

Chapter Details:

The answer to this question can be found in chapter 600 of the MPEP. This chapter covers Parts, Form, and Content of Application.

The answer is from the 9th Edition, Revision 07.2022, Published February 2023. Depending on future changes to the MPEP, the question and answer may or may not be applicable in later Editions or revisions.

Section Summary:

This question and answer comes from section 609.04(a) of the MPEP.  The following is a brief summary of section 609.04(a).

609.04(a) Content Requirements for an Information Disclosure Statement

This section covers the content requirements for IDS’s. Each information disclosure statement must include a list of all patents, publications, U.S. applications, or other information submitted for consideration by the Office. In addition to the list of information, each information disclosure statement must also include a legible copy of many items which are discussed here. Each information disclosure statement must further include a concise explanation of the relevance about the content of the information listed that is not in the English language.

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