As the name implies, a visual learner refers to those individuals who learn best when the information presented to them is in a visual form. They connect better to visual aids because seeing them provides a holistic view of the information, and usually struggle with remembering instructions if communicated verbally.
If you’re struggling with your studies, chances are you might be a visual learner. Let’s look at some tips on how you can improve your educational experience, study better, and not get distracted.
Watch Videos
Videos are a great way to learn if you’re a visual learner, and these days, there are multiple resources available online for you to study almost any topic you want. YouTube, Open Yale Courses, MIT Open CourseWare, and Khan Academy are just a few of the great resource libraries dedicated to education.
These mediums provide quality lectures, animations, tutorials, and demonstrations that make education smarter and accessible to more people. Additionally, videos can be paused, sped up, skipped, and rewound to study at their own pace.
Use flashcards
Flashcards are one of the oldest methods for memorization, which contain related information on both sides. They are commonly used for definitions, mnemonics, facts, and events.
Flashcards can help visual learners, especially when they make them for themselves. There are no limits for making their flashcards, but best to keep it simple, make drawings, and don’t cram too much information on them.
Most visual learners have trouble taking notes when listening to lectures in class. They often get distracted, lose track of their train of thought and start focusing elsewhere.
In this case, the best course of action is to incorporate visual note-taking techniques such as making tables, flowcharts, and color-coding to represent what they’ve heard in a more visually appealing manner. This helps them save time and leads to healthier engagement in long and boring lectures.
Information that is organized, structured and systematic is more comfortable to follow and understand. Visual learners can incorporate tools that help them manage information to their likings, such as post-its, multi-colored pens, highlighters, dual notebooks, apps, and binders. All of these tools help retain information for easy referencing when required.
Teaching is a great way to learn, not just for visual learners. It forces the teacher to retrieve the information they already possessed. It’s a way to test whether what they learned is coherent and easily understandable to others. Additionally, it encourages healthy discussion where one may see where they’re going wrong. Moreover, it promotes novel opinions and ideas and sees them from another’s perspective thereby, expanding a teacher’s views.
The majority of students born in this generation of technology are visual learners due to their increasing exposure to how more information is represented visually via electronic means. Employing techniques such as those mentioned here can help a visual learner engage and retain information better, leading to better thinking skills.