Women in Science and Engineering

Two scientists working in the lab with stylized graphics.

As in the wise words of Brigham Young “You educate a woman; you educate a generation,” it is clearly evident that women play an important part in the nurturing and development of a civilization and a nation. In order for a country to succeed, it very crucial for the women of that country to be educated and also able to actively participate in the country’s growth and development.

Women have long been an important pillar in the fields of science and engineering. From Marie Curie redefining the disciplines of physics and chemistry to Elizabeth Bragg becoming the first graduate civil engineer, women have reshaped these fields countless times. However, it was never easy for them to enter these areas of study and prove their worth. If anything, they had to strive harder than their male counterparts did.

Challenges Faced by Females in Science and Engineering

Women have always managed to demonstrate their talents, skills, and intellectual abilities. However, there are still certain challenges that women face in the fields of science and engineering.

From having to work harder to prove their abilities to being paid less, women have been subject to unjust treatment for centuries. This is particularly true in science and engineering. Women are rarely made in charge regardless of their higher merit, better skill sets and higher qualifications.

Women are also faced with unconscious bias and prejudice especially when it comes to their research being published. Although progress has been made, it often takes more to get their work acknowledged and appreciated. These are only some of the challenges women in these fields face regularly. However, there are ways in which they can be empowered.

Empowering Women in Science and Engineering

In spite of the significant advancements women have witnessed in recent years by having access to more opportunities, they are still insufficiently represented in STEM fields.

It is important to encourage and appreciate women, especially when they are involved in the difficult fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

It is crucial to give them credit where credit is due and this can be done by taking a few simple steps.

To empower and appreciate women, it is first important to recognize the difficulties they face on a regular basis. Call out unjust, prejudices and biased treatment, advocate for equal pay and actively promote merit.  Secondly, encourage more women and girls to venture into the different areas of STEM and pursue their goals in science and engineering actively..

Following these steps and encouraging female involvement in the fields of STEM is very important if we plan on developing out nations and tackling the increasing challenges that people are facing worldwide.

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