Patent Training Workshop Progress Update
The Patent Training Workshop has now replaced the older, Basic Patent Training course within the PES Patent Bar review. We…

Top 10 Student Loan Mistakes to Avoid
If you’re thinking about getting into patent law, then you probably already realize gaining the right degree or degrees is…

How to Apply to Law School as an Engineer or Scientist
Law schools welcome those with engineering and science majors. A scientific or technical background is helpful for lawyers specializing in…

Creating a Better Patent Bar Review for You
We’ve gotten a lot of great feedback on the Patent Training course videos that were uploaded last week. Altogether, 45…

6 Hours of New Training Videos Uploaded Within the PES Patent Bar Review
We’ve just uploaded slightly under 6 hours of training videos for the New Patent Training Workshop. If you have a…

2018 USPTO Paper and Pencil Version of the Patent Bar Exam
The USPTO allows test takers to take the patent bar exam in a yearly paper and pencil session. It appears…

Patent Bar Source Materials Changing After August 8th, 2018
The USPTO posted the update schedule for the patent bar source materials earlier this week. According to this latest notice,…

[Case Studies] Top 5 Careers for Scientists to Transition Into
Traditional career paths have changed. A career trajectory will have plateaus and dips as scientists change direction and build skills.…

Interested in Intellectual Property Law? Review These Top 8 IP Law Schools
According to a report by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, over 38 percent of the United States’ gross domestic…

How to Keep Motivated While You Prepare for the Patent Bar Exam
Do you want to be a patent attorney, a patent agent, or get a start in the field of patent…

Top 5 Careers for Engineers to Transition Into
Whether you start out in mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, engineering management, or in civil engineering, a career change may be…

12 Costly Mistakes To Avoid After College
After graduation, many students experience some post-graduation consequences that are not much fun. The majority of 2016 college graduates found…

Feeling Scared for Your First Patent Practitioner Job Interview? If So, Review These Tips
Why do job candidates get nervous during an interview? Dr. Tamar Chansky, the author of Freeing Yourself from Anxiety, believes…

6 Time Management Tips for Studying for the Patent Bar Exam
Whether you purchase a patent bar review course or try to navigate the Manual of Patent Examining Procedures on your…

5 Patent Law Associations You Should Consider Joining
Joining a patent law association allows members to stay at the forefront of intellectual property law. The members are made…

Quick Guide to Law School Financial Aid
A legal education is both an investment in a student’s future and a financial investment. Like all investments, before you…

9 Tips On What To Wear To A Patent Law Job Interview
You’ve secured your first interview as a patent agent or patent attorney. The one most pressing question on your mind…

9 Tips For Paying Off Student Loans Fast
College loans are the most significant obstacle that prevents millennials from investing. In 2016, the average student debt was over…

Waukeshia D. Jackson, Managing Partner, Patent Attorney at Jackson & Lowe Law Group, PC
Waukeshia D. Jackson Waukeshia is a patent attorney and the co-founder and managing partner at Jackson & Lowe Law Group…

7 Tips for Keeping Distractions to a Minimum While Studying for the Patent Bar Exam
The time has come. After much mental preparation and perhaps procrastination, you’ve decided to hunker down with a pot of…

Everything You Need to Know About Law School Time Management
One of the more important tips for law students to master for both law school and life generally is how…

Why Didn’t I Pass the Patent Bar? I Studied Hard!
If you’ve failed the patent bar exam, USPTO statistics show that you’re not alone. Each year, more than half the people…

Top 5 Job Interview Tips Articles on the Web
The sweaty brow. The shaky palms. Everything about an in-person interview for a dream job screams nervousness, but it doesn’t…

Top 5 LinkedIn Tips Articles on the Web
You’re working on passing the patent bar exam now, but did you know there’s a lot you can do help…

Using LinkedIn in Your Patent Law Job Search
What did we do before the internet became a regular part of our lives? How did we shop for jobs?…